Foreign Investment Framework Reforms

Foreign Investment Framework Reforms On the 1st of May 2024, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced at the Lowy Institute reforms to Australia’s Foreign Investment Framework, with an emphasis on making the framework stronger, more streamlined, and more transparent.  These reforms work in tandem with the Government’s ‘A Future Made in Australia’ policy, seeking to make Australia… Continue reading Foreign Investment Framework Reforms

The National Defence Strategy & Integrated Investment Program

On Wednesday the 17th of April, the Hon Richard Marles MP, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, addressed the National Press Club to launch the National Defence Strategy (NDS) and the Integrated Investment Program (IIP). Marles emphasised the strategic focus on Australia’s amphibious force, funding re-prioritisation and the historic level of funding increase… Continue reading The National Defence Strategy & Integrated Investment Program

Environment Protection and Conservation (EPBC) Act Reforms

On April 16, 2024, the Hon. Tanya Plibersek, Minister for the Environment and Water, announced the Government’s plan to progress to the second stage of its Nature Positive Plan, including establishing the body ‘Environment Protection Australia’. The announcement follows the Government’s commitment to comprehensively reform the nation’s primary environmental protection laws, the Environment Protection and… Continue reading Environment Protection and Conservation (EPBC) Act Reforms

Reform of Merger Regulations

On Wednesday the 10th of April, Federal Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers MP announced changes to Australian merger regulation. At the Bannerman Competition Lecture, co-hosted by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, Chalmers reinforced the need for greater transparency and increase to the ACCC’s remit.… Continue reading Reform of Merger Regulations

Jobs and Skills Australia 

colourful reflection of Canberra's new parliament building in a fontain pond at sunset.

On the 1st and 2nd of September 2022, governments, employers, unions, and civil society met at Parliament House to discuss the shared economic challenges that these groups face at the Jobs and Skills Summit. Read Hawker Britton’s Occasional Papers on the Summit here, and its findings here.  Treasurer Chalmers used much of the Summit to… Continue reading Jobs and Skills Australia 

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