
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

PM Ardern announces Ministers, signs deal with Greens


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced her new Ministerial line-up, following an election that delivered a majority for Labour, the departure of New Zealand First from Parliament and the signing of a Labour-Green cooperation agreement. There is also a reshuffling to reflect views on performance of Ministers and to improve demographic representation – the 26… Continue reading PM Ardern announces Ministers, signs deal with Greens

2020 Federal Budget in Reply


October 2020 On Thursday 8 October Federal Opposition Leader the Hon Anthony Albanese MP delivered the 2020 Federal Budget in Reply. In his Budget in Reply, Mr Albanese outlined an ongoing commitment to emerging from this crisis with a stronger economy and a fairer society. Mr Albanese said that Labor would rehire workers, rewire the… Continue reading 2020 Federal Budget in Reply

Anthony Albanese Speech to the McKell Institute


On Wednesday 20 September 2020, Labor Leader Anthony Albanese addressed the McKell Institute in Sydney. Speaking to the upcoming budget, Albanese outlined how Labor plans to generate economic activity, create new jobs and boost productivity. Mr Albanese’s priorities focus on five key areas: Infrastructure Social Housing Education and Training Manufacturing Job Security Infrastructure Mr Albanese… Continue reading Anthony Albanese Speech to the McKell Institute

Northern Territory Election Results


On 22 August 2020 Northern Territory Labor was returned to Government, having won a majority of seats in the Northern Territory (NT) Parliament. On Monday 7 September the Chief Minister announced the composition of the new Ministry. Results A breakdown of the results is as follows: Party Current seat number Gain/loss Primary vote Swing  … Continue reading Northern Territory Election Results

Labor’s 2050 Emissions Target


On Friday 21 February, Labor Leader Anthony Albanese addressed the independent progressive Australian think tank, Per Capita in Melbourne. Albanese outlined Labor’s plans to reduce Australia’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. The emissions target will be reached without the use of Kyoto carryover credits. Labor’s plan rules out funding for new coal-fired power… Continue reading Labor’s 2050 Emissions Target

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