
Hawker Britton's occasional papers provide in-depth analysis on the most important public policy issues of the day, across Australia. You can view the Research & Papers Archive here.

Australia’s Future Gas Strategy


On the 9th of May 2024, Federal Resources Minister the Hon. Madeline King MP announced the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy, setting the scene for the future of gas in our economy and mapping how gas will play a role in Australia’s transition towards net-zero. The strategy’s aims are to: Strategy at a Glance The… Continue reading Australia’s Future Gas Strategy

WA 2024 – 25 State Budget


On Thursday 9th May 2024, the Western Australian Labor Government handed down its eighth State Budget. The first for Treasurer, Rita Saffioti MLA.  This budget continues to deliver the Nation’s strongest economy, with a $3.2 billion operating surplus this financial year whilst still providing cost of living relief, support to the health system, transport infrastructure,… Continue reading WA 2024 – 25 State Budget

2024-25 Victorian Budget


08 May 2024 On Tuesday 07 May 2024, Victorian Treasurer the Hon. Tim Pallas MP delivered the first Budget of the Allan Labor Government and the tenth consecutive Budget of the Victorian Labor Government. The 2024-25 Victorian Budget is centred on helping families facing cost of living pressures and on fiscal discipline as governments around… Continue reading 2024-25 Victorian Budget

National Cabinet on Gendered and Domestic Violence


National Cabinet on Gendered and Domestic Violence On Wednesday, 1 May 2024, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese convened a meeting of National Cabinet to address the crisis of gender-based violence in Australia. The Cabinet was called by the Prime Minister when he spoke at the Canberra rally against gender-based violence on Sunday, 28 April 2024. Hundreds of thousands… Continue reading National Cabinet on Gendered and Domestic Violence

Foreign Investment Framework Reforms


Foreign Investment Framework Reforms On the 1st of May 2024, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced at the Lowy Institute reforms to Australia’s Foreign Investment Framework, with an emphasis on making the framework stronger, more streamlined, and more transparent.  These reforms work in tandem with the Government’s ‘A Future Made in Australia’ policy, seeking to make Australia… Continue reading Foreign Investment Framework Reforms

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