Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Bid – June 2021

On Friday June 11 the Brisbane Olympics and Paralympic Games 2032 “IOC Future Host Commission Questionnaire Response” was released publicly for the first time by the Australian Olympics Committee. The document details the bid proposal of the Australian, Queensland and local Governments for the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics. The IOC Executive Board has endorsed this bid… Continue reading Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Bid – June 2021

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Queensland Budget 2021-22 – Job Creation Plan

This week the Palaszczuk Labor Government committed $3.34 billion to job creation programs ahead of the upcoming state budget. These programs aim to further support Queensland’s COVID-19 economic recovery and increase investment attraction competitiveness by attracting major investment projects, creating ongoing jobs in priority sectors, and further strengthening supply chains. Further announcements about these funds… Continue reading Queensland Budget 2021-22 – Job Creation Plan

Categorized as Queensland

2032 Olympic Games

 At 2:00am (AEST) on 25 February 2021, Brisbane was selected as the sole preferred city for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.  Following a decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), exclusive negotiations for the 2032 Games will now be entered into with the Queensland Government, after the executive board of the IOC approved the… Continue reading 2032 Olympic Games

Categorized as Queensland

Queensland Machinery of Government Changes

Following the Cabinet reshuffle announced by Premier Annastasia Palaszczuk last week the Queensland public service has been restructured accordingly. These changes reflected changes to the ‘Machinery of Government’. As a rule, each Minister has a single Department and Director-General to whom all the relevant divisions of a portfolio report. There have been significant changes to… Continue reading Queensland Machinery of Government Changes

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