June 2022 National Cabinet Meeting 

On the 17th of June, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese chaired the first national cabinet since the election to discuss the priorities of the nation. 

Originally established in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the National Cabinet is the Australian intergovernmental decision-making forum composed of the Prime Minister and state and territory Premiers and Chief Ministers. 

The key topics  discussed at today’s National Cabinet are outlined below:


  • The Commonwealth Government will extend the National Partnership on COVID-19 Response for a further three months to 31 December 2022, at a cost of approximately $760 million.
  • First Ministers will work to identify more practical ways to:
    •  Get aged care residents and NDIS participants out of the hospital and into a more appropriate setting.
    • Streamline processes within the national health system 
    • Improve the connection between GPs and Hospitals 
  • The First Secretaries Group, chaired by Professor Glyn Davis, has been tasked with developing improvements to the way the health system operates.
  • The Federal Government is committed to increasing investment in primary care 
  • The Commonwealth will work with states and territories to determine the final locations of the Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.

Economic and Fiscal Outlook 

  • National Cabinet affirmed the need to urgently address skills shortages.
  • The Commonwealth will urgently address the backlog in processing visa applications in areas of skills shortages, reducing visa processing times and prioritising training and migration.
  • Treasury Secretary, Dr Steven Kennedy, provided an update on the economic and fiscal outlook for 2022.
  • The Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR), chaired by treasurer Jim Chalmers, will provide advice on pressures on Commonwealth and State and Territory budgets, including anticipated fiscal pressures with a focus on areas of joint funding responsibility.
  • First Secretaries were tasked with providing advice on the role of Ministerial Councils in progressing national priorities, with a sharpened focus on productivity improvements.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart

  • States and Territories expressed their support for a referendum to constitutionally enshrine a Voice to Parliament in the Constitution as a matter of priority.

Energy and Climate Change 

  • The National Cabinet committed to a reduction in Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions of 43% below 2005 levels by 2030

National Security 

  • Senior national security officials provided First Ministers with an update on national security issues 
  • The Cabinet is committed to making disaster recovery funding arrangements consistent, streamlined and equitable.

Next Steps 

The National Cabinet has agreed to meet a minimum of four times a year or as necessary and will next meet prior to the Federal Budget in October 2022.

National Cabinet will invite a representative of Local Government once a year to ensure all levels of Government are represented. 

For more information, please contact Hawker Britton’s Managing Director Simon Banks on +61 419 648 587

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