Western Australia – State Development Arrangements

Western Australian Premier Alan Carpenter recently announced a re-shuffle of ministerial arrangements.  Most notably, this included changes in responsibility for State Development issues, which are as follows:


The Premier, Alan Carpenter, is also the Minister for State Development. As Minister, he has specific responsibilities that include:

  • Iron ore projects and State Agreements
  • Alumina projects and State Agreements
  • Oil and gas projects (including LNG) and State Agreements
  • All State Government Overseas Trade Offices
  • Office of Development Approvals Coordination
  • Investment Attraction
  • International trade markets

He is assisted by Minister John Bowler, who has direct responsibility for other areas in the State Development portfolio, as outlined below.

Minister for Resources and Assisting the Minister for State Development

Minister John Bowler has responsibility for:

  • Industry and Trade
  • Marketing (WA promotion)
  • Geological Survey
  • Aboriginal Economic Development
  • Infrastructure Coordination
  • Mining and Petroleum Acts
  • Existing Industry (e.g. manufacturing, service industries)
  • State Agreements (the administrative aspects, though the Premier will have responsibility for those State Agreements in iron ore, alumina and oil and gas)

Minister Bowler also has responsibility for Employment Protection; Goldfields-Esperance and Great Southern.

Minister for Science and Innovation

Minister Francis Logan assumes responsibility for:

  • Emerging industries
  • Biotechnology industries
  • Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) industries
  • Technology Parks
  • Marine and Defence projects
  • Chemistry Centre

Minister Logan also has responsibility for Energy.

Department of Industry and Resources

Jim Limerick as Director General of the Department of Industry and Resources retains responsibility for all areas of the State Development portfolio.

The three Deputy Director-General positions lead the respective operational areas as follows:

  • Gary Stokes – Premier and Minister for State Development
  • Stuart Smith – Minister for Resources and Assisting the Minister for State Development
  • Ross Marshall (acting) – Minister for Science and Innovation
Other Changes

The Minister for Agriculture, Kim Chance has taken on responsibility for the food industry.  This portfolio area is now to be administered by the Department of Agriculture.

Issues pertaining to Skills Migration are to be overseen by the Minister for Small Business, Norm Marlborough.  This will be administered by the Small Business Development Corporation.

Chiefs of Staff

Key contacts for each of the Ministers are as follows:

Rita Saffioti is Chief of Staff to the Premier. Rita was previously Director of Economic Policy in the Premier’s Policy Unit and a member of the Strategic Management Unit.

Simon Corrigan is Chief of Staff to John Bowler.  Simon was appointed in 2005 when the Minister held the portfolios of Local Government and Regional Development; Land Information.

Bruce Campbell-Fraser has recently been appointed as Chief of Staff to Francis Logan.  Bruce was located in the Premier’s Strategic Management Unit prior to this appointment.

Mike McMullan has been Chief of Staff to Minister Chance since February 2001.

Tony Mongahan is Chief of Staff to Minister Norm Marlborough.