Victorian Cabinet Reshuffle

Today the Victorian Premier, John Brumby announced a a Cabinet reshuffle following the retirement of Transport Minister, Lynne Kosky.

The New Cabinet is below:

Minister Portfolio
John Brumby Premier; Minister for Veterans’ Affairs; Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Rob Hulls Deputy Premier; Attorney-General; Minister for Racing
John Lenders Treasurer; Minister for Financial Services, Minister for Information and Communications Technology; Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Gavin Jennings Minister for Environment and Climate Change; Minister for Innovation; Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Jacinta Allan Minister for Regional and Rural Development; Minister for Industry and Trade
Lily D’Ambrosio Minister for Community Development
Daniel Andrews Minister for Health
Peter Batchelor Minister for Energy and Resources; Minister for the Arts
Bob Cameron Minister for Police and Emergency Services;  Minister for Corrections
Joe Helper Minister for Agriculture; Minister for Small Business
Tim Holding Minister for Finance, WorkCover and the Transport Accident Commission; Minister for Water; Minister for Tourism and Major Events
Justin Madden Minister for Planning; Minister for the Respect Agenda
James Merlino Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth Affairs; Minister Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs
Maxine Morand Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development; Minister for Women’s Affairs
Lisa Neville Minister for Mental Health; Minister for Community Services; Minister for Senior Victorians
Martin Pakula Minister for Public Transport; Minister for Industrial Relations
Tim Pallas Minister for Roads and Ports; Minister for Major Projects
Bronwyn Pike Minister for Education; Minister for Skills and Workforce Participation
Tony Robinson Minister for Gaming; Minister for Consumer Affairs; Minister Assisting the Premier on Veterans’ Affairs
Richard Wynne Minister for Housing; Minister for Local Government; Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Tony Lupton Cabinet Secretary












Parliamentary Secretary Portfolio
Liz Beattie Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier (Multicultural Affairs and Veterans’ Affairs)
Luke Donnellan Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier
Rob Hudson Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier (National Reform, Arts, Public Service)
Michael Crutchfield Parliamentary Secretary for Environment, Water and Climate Change
Kaye Darveniza Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture
Danielle Green Parliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services
Ben Hardman Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Bushfire Reconstruction
Steve Herbert Parliamentary Secretary for Education
Telmo Languiller Parliamentary Secretary for Human Services
Jenny Mikakos Parliamentary Secretary for Planning
Janice Munt Parliamentary Secretary for Health
Don Nardella Parliamentary Secretary for Roads and Ports
Jaala Pulford Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Development, Industry and Trade
Fiona Richardson Parliamentary Secretary for Treasury and Finance
Brian Tee Parliamentary Secretary for Public Transport
Marsha Thomson Parliamentary Secretary for Justice