Northern Territory Election 2008
The Northern Territory will go to the polls on August 9.
Northern Territory Chief Minister Paul Henderson called an early election yesterday by asking the Northern Territory Administrator to dissolve parliament. The Government and Opposition will have 19 days to campaign.
The Northern Territory does not need to go to a poll until before mid-June next year. However Chief Minister Henderson says he decided to call an early election to provide certainty to the companies considering the Northern Territory as the site for a $12 billion gas plant.
Japanese company Inpex and Total are considering both Darwin and Western Australia for the site.
Labor holds 19 of the 25 seats in the Northern Territory parliament and will be looking to be reelected for a third term.
This will be Paul Henderson’s first election as Chief Minister, following his appointment after the resignation of Clare Martin in November last year.
The Country Liberals, led by Terry Mills, currently hold 4 seats in parliament. The remaining seats are held by Independents Gerry Wood and Loraine Braham.