New Queensland Department of Infrastructure Delivery
Premier Peter Beattie announced today the Queensland Government has created a new department – the Department of Infrastructure Delivery.
The Department will be part of Deputy Premier Anna Bligh’s portfolio of Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Infrastructure. Former Director-General of Education and the Arts, Ken Smith will be the Director-General of the new department.
Significantly, Mr Smith will also assume the role of Coordinator-General, a post currently held by Ross Rolfe, Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The Coordinator-General is responsible for the delivery of large and potentially complex projects, with extensive power to ‘call-in’ projects considered of state wide significance.
In other changes, the Trade Division of the Department of State Development will now operate as part of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
For further information please visit the full article at the Queensland Cabinet Website, or contact your Hawker Britton consultant.