Future Election Dates

Future election dates:


The next federal election is due anytime before April 2011.  It is more likely to be held later in 2010 than early next year, however.  For more information, please see previous Hawker Britton Occasional Paper on possible federal election dates at http://ww2.hawkerbritton.com/hawker-britton-media/publications/323/federal-election-.htm

New South Wales 

New South Wales has fixed four year terms, with an election set for the fourth Saturday in March every four years.  The next election is 26 March 2011.


Like New South Wales, Victoria has fixed four year terms.  The next election is Saturday 27 November 2010.


Queensland’s parliament has three year terms which are not fixed.  The 2009 election was Saturday 21 March. The next election must be held by late March 2012.   

Western Australia 

Western Australia has four year parliamentary terms which are not fixed.  Legislation is currently being debated in Parliament to introduce fixed terms. Currently, it can be technically held between June 2012 to May 2013. Due to convention, the most likely current date is February 2013.

South Australia 

South Australia’s parliament has fixed four year terms, with elections legislated for the third Saturday in March every four years.  This year’s election is 20 March 2010 – the following election will be 15 March 2014. 


Tasmania’s parliament is not yet operating under fixed terms but the current Premier and the Opposition have both signalled their support for the concept.  The next election is 20 March 2010 – with parliament operating under four year terms, the following election would be due by March 2014.

Australian Capital Territory 

The ACT has fixed four year terms, with an election due on the third Saturday of October every four years.  The next election date is 20 October 2012.

Northern Territory 

The NT has fixed four year terms – the next election is due on the fourth Saturday in August 2012.

Election Dates summary:

State Election due date
Federal Due Aug 2010 to April 2011
NSW 26 March 2011
VIC 27 November 2010
QLD March 2012
WA February 2013
SA 20 March 2010
TAS 20 March 2010
ACT 20 Oct 2012
NT 25 August 2012