Australian Greens Portfolio Responsibilities

Yesterday, the Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Bob Brown, announced changes to portfolio responsibilities within the party to reflect its imminent expansion in the Senate. As of 1 July 2011, there will be nine Greens Senators in the Upper House, as four new Senators join the existing five. Including one MP in the Lower House, this brings the total number of federal parliamentarians representing the Greens to ten.  Senator Brown’s press release is available here.

Details of the new portfolio responsibilities are outlined below:

Bob Brown

Senator for Tasmania




Prime Minister & Cabinet


Foreign Affairs, Defence & National Security

Schools, Education

Forests (TAS)

Whaling & Antarctica

Christine Milne

Senator for Tasmania


Deputy Leader


Climate change

Resources & Energy


Finance & Administration

Competition Policy & Small Business


Food Security & Regional Australia

Rachel Siewert

Senator for Western Australia


Party Whip


Family, Community & Disability Services

Fisheries & Marine


Indigenous Affairs & Indigenous Health


The Kimberley & Northern Australia

Natural Resource Management

Sarah Hanson-Young

Senator for South Australia


Party Room Chair


Immigration & Citizenship

Consumer Affairs

Water & the Murray Darling Basin

Human Rights


Youth, Childhood Education & Care


Scott Ludlam

Senator for Western Australia


Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy



Mining (WA)

Transport, Infrastructure, Waste & Sustainable Cities


Assisting on Defence

Richard Di Natale

Senator for Victoria


Health, including preventive

Dental Health




East Timor

West Papua

Lee Rhiannon

Senator for New South Wales



Local Government

Higher Education

Assisting on National Security


International Aid & Development

Animal Welfare


Penny Wright

Senator for South Australia


Attorney General (excluding National Security)

Native Title

Veterans Affairs

Social Inclusion

Mental Health


Larissa Waters

Senator for Queensland


Environment, Biodiversity & Natural Heritage


Great Barrier Reef & Coral Sea

Cape York

World Heritage



Adam Bandt

Member for Melbourne


Employment & Workplace Relations

Emergency Services


Innovation & Industry, including High Speed Rail

Science & Research

Assisting on Climate and Energy

House of Representatives Reform

The table below groups responsibilities as they relate to the portfolios established by the Government:

Broad Portfolio Area Principal Spokesperson Specific Responsibilities
Prime Minister & Cabinet Bob Brown Democracy – Lee Rhiannon

House of Representatives Reform – Adam Bandt

Treasury & Finance Treasury – Bob Brown

Finance & Administration – Christine Milne

Competition Policy & Small Business – Christine Milne

Consumer Affairs – Sarah Hanson-Young

Banking – Adam Bandt

Attorney-General Penny Wright National Security – Bob Brown

Assisting on National Security – Lee Rhiannon

GLBTI, Human Rights – Sarah Hanson-Young

Native Title – Penny Wright

Emergency Services – Adam Bandt

Foreign Affairs & Trade Foreign Affairs – Bob Brown

Trade – Christine Milne

Tibet – Sarah Hanson-Young

Burma – Scott Ludlam

East Timor, West Papua – Richard Di Natale

International Aid & Development – Lee Rhiannon

Defence Bob Brown Assisting on Defence – Scott Ludlam

Veterans Affairs – Penny Wright

Health & Ageing Health – Richard Di Natale

Ageing – Rachel Siewert

Preventive Health, Dental Health – Richard Di Natale

Indigenous Health – Rachel Siewert

Mental Health – Penny Wright

Sustainability, Environment, Water & Population


Larissa Waters Waste & Sustainable Cities – Scott Ludlam

Water & the Murray Darling Basin – Sarah Hanson-Young

Whaling & Antarctica – Bob Brown

The Kimberley & Northern Australia – Rachel Siewert

Great Barrier Reef & Coral Sea, Cape York, Population, World Heritage – Larissa Waters

Heritage – Penny Wright

Climate Change Christine Milne Assisting on Climate – Adam Bandt
Resources, Energy & Tourism Resources & Energy – Christine Milne Assisting on Energy – Adam Bandt

Mining, Tourism – Larissa Waters

Nuclear, Mining (WA) – Scott Ludlam

Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Agriculture, Fisheries & Marine – Rachel Siewert


Food Security – Christine Milne

Forests, Animal Welfare – Lee Rhiannon

Forests (Tas) – Bob Brown

Natural Resource Management – Rachel Siewert

Education, Employment & Workplace Relations Education – Bob Brown

Employment & Workplace Relations – Adam Bandt

Youth, Childhood Education & Care – Sarah Hanson-Young

Higher Education – Lee Rhiannon

Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs Family, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs – Rachel Siewert Housing – Scott Ludlam

Sport, Gambling – Richard Di Natale

Women – Lee Rhiannon

Social Inclusion – Penny Wright

Disability Services – Rachel Siewert

Immigration & Citizenship Sarah Hanson-Young Multiculturalism – Richard Di Natale
Infrastructure & Transport; Broadband, Communications & Digital Economy Scott Ludlam High Speed Rail – Adam Bandt
Industry, Innovation, Science & Research Adam Bandt  
Regional Australia & The Arts Christine Milne Local Government – Lee Rhiannon

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