ACT Ministry Update
The Chief Minister of the ACT, Ms Katy Gallagher MLA, today announced new ministerial arrangements following her election to the position of Chief Minister by the Legislative Assembly on 13 May 2011.
Today’s appointments are transitional only, in order to allow Ms Gallagher to continue in her role as Treasurer until after the passage of the recent 2011-12 Budget through the Assembly, and to allow time for the replacement of former Chief Minister Jon Stanhope in the Assembly by count-back in accordance with the ACT’s Hare Clark electoral system.
Ms Katy Gallagher MLA | Chief Minister
Treasurer (until the passage of the 2011-12 Budget) Minister for Health Minister for Industrial Relations
Mr Andrew Barr MLA | Deputy Chief Minister
Treasurer (after the passage of the 2011-12 Budget) Minister for Economic Development Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation Minister for Education and Training
Mr Simon Corbell MLA | Attorney-General
Minister for Police and Emergency Services Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Minister for Territory and Municipal Services
Ms Joy Burch MLA | Minister for Community Services
Minister for Multicultural Affairs Minister for Ageing Minister for Women Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Minister for the Arts
These changes represent the next step in the ACT Government’s implementation of the single Public Service Agency structure following recommendations of the recent review of the ACT Public Service conducted by Dr Allan Hawke AC. New administrative arrangements see the introduction of nine directorates, each of which will report to only one minister.
- Chief Minister and Cabinet
- Treasury
- Community Services
- Economic Development
- Education and Training
- Environment and Sustainable Development
- Health
- Justice and Community Safety
- Territory and Municipal Services
The transition to the single agency will be completed following passage of the Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill (2011) that is currently before the Legislative Assembly.