New Cabinet for Western Australia

Western Australia’s 29th Premier, Colin Barnett has announced the line-up of his Cabinet team.

Mr Barnett’s Cabinet has 17 Ministers including three National Party MPs and one Independent.


Colin Barnett Premier1; State Development
Kim Hames Deputy Premier; Health; Indigenous Affairs
Brendon Grylls Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development; Minister Assisting on Country Transport
Troy Buswell Treasurer; Commerce2; Science and Innovation; Housing and Works
Elizabeth Constable Education; Tourism; Women’s Interests
Simon O’Brien Transport; Disability Services
Rob Johnson Police; Emergency Services; Road Safety; Leader of the House in the Legislative Assembly
Norman Moore Mines and Petroleum; Fisheries; Electoral Affairs; Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Christian Porter Attorney General; Corrective Services
Donna Faragher Environment; Youth
Peter Collier Energy; Training
John Day Planning; Culture and the Arts
John Castrilli Local Government; Heritage; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
Terry Waldron Sport and Recreation; Racing and Gaming; Minister Assisting on Country Health
Terry Redman Agriculture; Forestry; Minister Assisting on Country Education
Robyn McSweeney Child Protection; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering
Graham Jacobs Water; Mental Health

Parliamentary Secretaries

Murray Cowper Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Police; Emergency Services; Road Safety
Tony Simpson Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Child Protection; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering
Bill Marmion Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport; Disability Services
Helen Morton Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Water; Mental Health
Wendy Duncan Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Regional Development; Lands; Minister Assisting the Minister for State Development;
Minister Assisting on Country Transport
Barry House Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer; Commerce; Science and Innovation; Housing and Works

1 including Federal-State Relations, Public Sector Management and Government Accountability

2 including Small Business, Trade, Consumer Protection and Industrial Relations