Government Appointments

The Western Australian State Government has announced three senior positions in recent weeks:

  1. Anne Nolan has been appointed Director General of the Department of Industry and Resources.  Anne was previously the Deputy Director General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and has held a number of senior roles in the Energy and Treasury and Finance sectors.
  2. The newly-formed Department for Communities will be headed up by Susan Barrera. Ms Barrera acted in the position for several months prior to her appointment and previously held the position of labour relations executive director at the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection.
  3. Western Australia’s next Agent General will be Mrs Kerry Sanderson AO.  Currently the Chief Executive of Fremantle Ports, Mrs Sanderson will commence her role in London in November 2008.

Women in Business

Women in business in Western Australia are invited to take advantage of the following recently announced Government initiatives.

New Scholarship Program

The new $60,000 Company Director’s Scholarship Program will assist 10 women to take part in the nationally accredited Company Director’s Course. Applications for the scholarship open on the Tuesday, 15th July and close on Monday, 1st September. Nomination forms and further information can be downloaded from

Interested Person Register

The State Government has established a register for Western Australians who are interested in serving on boards and committees. To register your interest, visit

Online Service for Small Businesswomen

Women in Business ( is a new webpage designed to help women wanting to establish a small business or enhance the performance of their existing business operations.  The online network provides an opportunity for businesswomen to discuss issues and concerns and to share ideas, experiences and successes.  The website will also provide information about a range of events and services offered by the Small Business Development Corporation.