The New Senate

The Senate consists of 76 Senators, twelve from each of the six states and two from each of the mainland territories.

The Senate will sit next from Tuesday 26 August to Thursday 4 September 2008.

(Note the Senate does not sit on Friday, 29 August)

Party Continuing New Total
Liberal Party of Australia 29 3 32
The Nationals 3 1 4
Country Liberal Party 1 0 1
Australian Labor Party 25 7 (8)* 32
The Greens 3 2 5
Family First 1 0 1
Independent 0 1 1

*Victorian Senator Jacinta Collins replaced retiring Senator Robert Ray on 8 May 2008. Senator Collins then commenced a 6 year term in the Senate on 1 July 2008.

The Senate’s most significant members are now those who share the balance of power –the sole independent, Nick Xenophon, the five Greens and Steve Fielding of Family First.

Note –In order for a motion to be passed in the Senate, a 50 per cent plus 1 majority must be achieved (i.e. 39 votes).  A motion can be defeated if the votes are equally divided (i.e. 50 per cent/38 votes).

List of Senators by Party (in alphabetical order):

Australian Greens
  • Brown, Bob – Senator for Tasmania Portfolio includes Prime Minister and Cabinet, Treasury, Finance and Administration , Foreign Affairs, Trade and Aid, Health and Aged Care, Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, Finance and Administration, Customs, Communications, Information, Technology and the Arts, Environment – Forests and wildlife, Global Greens and Gambling.
  • Hanson-Young, Sarah – Senator for South Australia (NEW)
  • Ludlam, Scott – Senator for Western Australia (NEW)
  • Milne, Christine – Senator for Tasmania Portfolio includes the new economy and small business, Climate change, Energy, Regional services, Transport, Tourism, Corporate ethics, Asia-Pacific Region, Local government, Science, Environment – World heritage & Bio-security and invasive species.
  • Siewert, Rachel – Senator for Western Australia Portfolio includes Employment and workplace relations, Welfare, Indigenous affairs, Natural resource management, Sustainable agriculture , Marine environment ,Family and community services, Disabilities, Housing, Uranium mining in WA, Genetically Modified Organisms, Environment – Fisheries & Animals.
Australian Labor Party
Country Liberal Party
Family First Party
Liberal Party of Australia
The Nationals

New Senators (Terms of Service commenced 1 July 2008)

Senator Mark Arbib
Senator Catryna Bilyk
Senator Doug Cameron
Senator Michaelia Cash
Senator Don Farrell
Senator for NSW, ALP
Senator for TAS, ALP
Senator for NSW, ALP
Senator for WA, Liberal Party
Senator for SA, ALP
Senator David Feeney
Senator Mark Furner
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator Helen Kroger
Senator Scott Ludlam
Senator for VIC,
Senator for QLD, ALP
Senator for SA, Greens
Senator for VIC, Liberal Party
Senator for WA, Greens
Senator Louise Pratt
Senator Scott Ryan
Senator John Williams
Senator Nick Xenophon
Senator Jacinta Collins
Senator for WA, ALP
Senator for VIC,
Liberal Party
Senator for NSW,
Senator for SA, Independent
Senator for VIC, ALP
Dynamic Red

The Dynamic Red website provides information on the proceedings of the Senate which is updated during the course of the sitting day. It shows the progress of legislation and the results of motions moved and other business conducted in the Senate and, where possible, contains links to source documents such as those relating to committee memberships and amendments to legislation.  The website is accessible here.